
Our impact

As a mission-driven bank, NIB focuses on financing projects that improve productivity and benefit the environment in the Nordic–Baltic region.

Prior to making loan decisions, NIB assesses how the projects considered for financing promote productivity gains and provide environmental benefits in the Bank’s member countries. We follow up the project implementation, and once completed, we evaluate the extent to which the estimated impacts have materialised. In measuring the impact of our financing, we apply a set of predefined indicators. NIB also monitors its own environmental footprint annually.

What we report

The impact from our lending is measured according to a set of productivity and environmental indicators. We are constantly developing reporting parameters to provide our stakeholders specific data on the impact of NIB’s operations. Currently, we publish descriptions of newly signed loans. In the annual reports, we disclose the aggregated productivity and environmental impact of our lending and we calculate the total net emissions of greenhouse gases for all projects. Impacts of projects funded through NIB Environmental Bonds (NEB) are presented in the Annual Report and on our NEB webpage. In cooperation with other major international financial institutions, we contribute to harmonized frameworks for impact reporting. NIB is a member of The Principles’ Executive Committee and actively coordinates the work within its various working groups.

NIB reports its impact in accordance with the harmonised standards.

Further on this page: 

Measuring our impact

Mission fulfilment

Direct environmental impact

Key figures



Impact of loans disbursed in 2024

Pro-rated to NIB’s share of financing

NIB publishes detailed descriptions of all projects financed on its website. The aggregated productivity and environmental impact of our lending is disclosed in the Bank’s annual reports. When reporting our environmental impact, we prorate the emissions to our share of the financing in order to avoid double-accounting with co-financiers.

The total net emissions of greenhouse gases are calculated for all the projects. Project-specific impact of projects funded through NIB Environmental Bonds is presented in the reports and on a dedicated webpage.

NIB’s mission fulfilment

NIB’s mission is to finance projects that improve productivity and benefit the environment of the Nordic and Baltic countries.

All projects considered for financing are analysed for their potential impact on the environment and on productivity gains, and are rated according to the Bank’s mandate rating system on a scale from negative to excellent. Since 2023, NIB’s aim is for at least 95% of agreed loans to achieve a good or excellent rating. In 2024, the Mandate fulfillment rating was 99.9%.

NIB-financed projects and the UN SDGs

The seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out a global roadmap for tackling economic, environmental and social challenges as part of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

In line with its mission, NIB has identified the SDGs to which its financed projects, business strategy and sustainability approach can contribute to.

Total energy consumption (NIB headquarters)3,245 MWh3,640 MWh3,374 MWh3,278 MWh3,292 MWh
Scope 1 GHG emissions1415131718
Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based)2932331516
Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based)409453366304312
Scope 3 GHG emissions7617189271,1901,703
Scopes 1-3 GHG emissions, total (market- based)8037659721,2221,737

With regard to its own direct environmental footprint, NIB has guidelines for office practices, facilities management and procurement. NIB complies with the requirements of EU environmental legislation, and in many respects applies even stricter rules than legislation requires.

NIB’s headquarters in Helsinki has been part of the WWF Green Office network since 2010. The Green Office certificate was awarded to NIB again in December 2022. In 2021, NIB’s renovated office building received BREEAM Excellent certification.

NIB's WWF Green Office certificate (PDF)

NIB updates financial figures four times a year: for the period January–March (published in April), the period January–June (published in August), the period January–September (published in November), and the period January-December (published in February). Only the half-year and year-end figures are audited.

20242023YoY change %
Net interest income33229911%
Profit before net loan losses2592484%
Net profit2562512%
Lending disbursed4,3533,44626%
New signed lending5,0212,82977%
% of loans achieving good or above mandate99.9%99.8%0%
New debt issuance9,1217,15228%
Lending outstanding23,43321,9247%
Total assets43,10439,5939%
Debts evidenced by certificates35,83632,19011%
Total equity4,5534,3505%
Equity/total assets (%)10.6%11.0%-4%
Net profit/average equity (%)5.8%5.9%-3%
Cost/income (%)18.5%18.8%-2%
Number of employees (at the end of the period)2572445%

in EUR million unless otherwise specified 


Annual and interim reports for download

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