Unlike typical use-of-proceeds loans that are earmarked for specific assets, sustainability-linked loans (SLL) are connected to key performance indicators and targets agreed with the customer.
SLLs are aligned with a corporate strategy and create financial incentives for companies to step up their climate efforts. For instance, our borrowers may enjoy lower margins if the set sustainability targets are met.
The specific sustainability-related objectives linked to financing are set in close dialogue with our customers. NIB’s experienced transaction teams and in-house sustainability advisors help to identify ambitious and measurable targets that can achieve the highest impact on the client’s sustainability performance.
We follow the progress during the lifetime of the loan and require third-party verification that the targets have been achieved.

NIB provides aggregated data on the disbursed SLLs in its annual reporting. Client specific disbursements, key performance indicators, publicly disclosed targets and their alignment to external reference frameworks for loans signed by the end of 2024 are described in the summary below.