Falck's ambulance in Orange County, USA. Image: Falck A/S

5 Sep 2024

NIB and Falck A/S sign loan to strengthen healthcare digitalisation 

The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and the Danish-founded international healthcare provider Falck A/S have signed a DKK 300 million (approx. EUR 40 million) investment loan to support the company’s digital transformation between 2024-2026.  

The seven-year loan will finance Falck’s investments in maintaining and unifying its existing IT infrastructure, as well as developing new digital capabilities aimed at improving operational efficiency and enhancing the delivery of healthcare services. Falck sees that increasing the digitalisation of the customer experience and the delivery of healthcare services can greatly enhance efficiency and access. 

“Investing in digital solutions can significantly improve the productivity and effectiveness of healthcare services, ultimately benefiting patients and society as a whole,” says André Küüsvek, NIB President & CEO. “Improving the access to medical care via increased productivity in services is an important goal for our region.” 

Falck A/S, founded in Denmark in 1906, is a leading international healthcare provider with more than 25,000 employees operating in 26 countries with strongholds in Scandinavia, Germany, Spain, Poland, as well as Colombia in Latin America and California in the US. The company provides healthcare services ranging from prevention to treatment and rehabilitation. Falck’s customer base consists of governmental organisations, corporations and consumers. 

NIB is an international financial institution owned by eight member countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The Bank finances private and public projects in and outside the member countries. NIB has the highest possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. 
For further information, please contact  
Seppo Halttunen, Senior Banker, at +358 10 618 0411, seppo.halttunen@nib.int 

Søren Hovgaard, Country Lead Denmark, Senior Advisor, +45 4081 3575, soren.hovgaard@nib.int

Anita Algus, Communications, at +358 10 618 0524, anita.algus@nib.int 

Related resources

03 Sep 2024

Falck A/S

EUR 40.2 million