Sweden. EcoDC AB

Date of agreement:27 Jun 2024
Customer:EcoDC AB
Amount in SEK:SEK 280 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 24 million
Maturity:5 years
NACE sector / loan type:Investment


The loan has been provided for EcoDC AB (EcoDataCenter) for financing the expansion, including construction and operations, of the Falun data centre campus in Sweden.

The NIB loan will finance the capacity expansion of 24 MW by 2025 in Falun, and minor investments in the company’s existing assets.

EcoDataCenter is a Swedish data centre operator and provides sustainable and secure data centre solutions. The company was founded in 2014. EcoDataCenter is owned by the Nordic fund manager Areim.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Data centres are critical for the digitalisation process. Although they consume substantial amounts of energy, data centres can also play a crucial role in supporting the electricity grid. For example, they can help manage excess electricity demand or provide battery storage capacity to grid operators.

Sustainability summary

The Falun project assets are fully powered by renewable energy. The site is integrated with the city’s combined heat and power (CHP) plant, which enables reuse of surplus heat.

The designed annual Power Usage Effectiveness of the new buildings is between 1.15 to 1.3 with the maximum occurring during summer months. The central configuration allows for full free cooling during peak winter conditions and partial free cooling during mid-season conditions.

No significant negative environmental or social concerns have been identified in relation to the project.

Press release

NIB finances data centres in Sweden

Press release

NIB finansierar datacenter i Sverige