
ESG library

NIB is committed to continuously develop environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in its operations. Here are the references related to ESG integration across NIB's activities, our ESG ratings and the descriptions of principal adverse impacts (PAI).

Independent ESG data and research providers assess our policies and activities, providing unsolicited ratings. These evaluations help us track performance and pinpoint areas for improvement.


ISS ESG has rated over 12,500 issuers for sustainable investment policies. In March 2024, ISS provided NIB with a “Prime C” ESG Corporate Rating.


An MSCI ESG Rating is designed to measure a company’s resilience to long-term, industry material environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. In June 2024, MSCI reaffirmed NIB’s ESG Rating of AAA.

Disclaimer statement


Sustainalytics is a leading independent provider of ESG and corporate governance ratings, research and analysis. In December 2024, Sustainalytics gave NIB an ESG Risk Rating of 6.4 (negligible risk).

Principal adverse impact (PAI) indicators are a set of metrics that intend to show how business investments affect sustainability factors. NIB is voluntary disclosing indicators applicable to investments in sovereigns and supranationals.

PAI disclosure for 2023

Sovereign GHG intensityGHG intensity of investee countries as a ratio of investee country’s GDP
Investee countries subject to social violationsNumber of investee countries subject to social violations, as referred to in international treaties and conventions, United Nations principles and, where applicable, national law